© Nicki Black

July 15, 2016: No matter how we weigh the reason and source of the chaos invoking fear and violence around the globe, we are all affected. No person and no generation is immune to the consequences of releasing, receiving, or being indifferent to light and darkness. But hear this: There IS brilliant HOPE. The Lord is not done with humanity. He is doing great and mighty things among us and through us still, even as these atrocities ensue. He sleeps not. He knows all. There is much to be done, and it WILL get done.

How much is guaranteed in this lifetime? Only but when we recognize that we can't do life in our own power and selfishness, and choose to set our minds on Christ, will our Father in Heaven and on earth rejoice in our revelation and new birth, giving us His faithful promise to never leave us nor forsake us! It takes us being willing. It requires our yes. It works best when we give Him room to guide us in every detail, and we then listen to this guidance.

Each moment is another moment to choose which side of the wall we plant our feet and set our eyes and ears. He does not ask from us more than we are capable, for He created our innermost being and penned our blueprint. He gives us supernatural strength and the comfort of Holy Spirit to get through every obstacle that demands our attention, our voice, our participation. If one step is all we have to give, then that one step is what He will use to His glory to grow us, shape us, mature us, and expand our courage. And when we are able to strike the ground and believe the authority we have been given in His Name, look out! Convergence!

Will we lose more than we gain by shutting the door on our old ways and relationships? What if we have been successful in the world, and walking away from those ties means starting over? Are you afraid of starting over? What will it look like? The answer is to ask the Lord, for He has gone before you already, and laid the seeds you will need to grow your new gardens. He only gives good things. He only wants the very best for us. Never does He say He will paint our canvas with a poverty and orphan mentality when we align with His Word and His Ways. He is the Master Painter! The Creator! Today is the day you can step out of the grave clothes that have pinned you beneath the waves. Today is the day you can make the refreshing new start into your destiny.

So let us be effective and proactive in our intercession. Let our worship really mean something, and break through the destruction and desolation of wandering with an incomplete compass with scales on our eyes, and not in our favor. Let our heels be dug in deep, standing against rage, confusion, and violence on humanity. Let us realize just how critical our voice and actions are in these days. Let us be strong and seeking of divine wisdom both outwardly and inwardly.

To that, I pray right now that we all have a greater increase of steadfastness and accountability, of love and compassion, of insight and words of pinpointed knowledge to thwart all schemes and misleadings of evil principalities who prowl looking to feast upon our lukewarmness. I pray our preparedness and fortitude, even as we learn new skills and enter new doors, turns into great extensions of catalyst upon catalyst to push back the darkness. Lord, sharpen our arrows and guide them to land in strategic targets! We say YES LORD!

Are you excited to be chosen to live in a time such as this? I am!