REFLECTIONS: Fruition is Coming
(c) Nicki Black
July 27, 2012: Again today I awoke with a sense of real fruition coming for those willing to put in the requirements to see through the promises they've been given, whispered on the wind of the Holy Spirit. Some of these promises were made a very long time ago, and even forgotten by you until a time such as this. These promises are not just passing fancies. They run deep as the deepest of roots, and they clearly define who you (and your family - yes we're talking legacy) were made to be. They go into many places of the unknown, and often pass understanding, as well.
His questions to you now are this:
Are you going to give the Lord permission to bring to pass these promises?
Are you willing to reprioritize and readjust what your doing, or in what capacity you're serving now, for the greater fruit to come?
How much do you want it?
Have you emptied out your desires for His desires?
How much time are you urgently purposed for intercession and worship each and every day, to draw close to His voice?
He holds the timing in His hands, but you must be willing to release the clock to chime.